Specializing in Jazz Tunings, Concert Grands and Fine Pianos, Bryant is a wizard on the keys and with the tuning wrench. Spending his time playing gigs around Colorado Springs and Manitou, Bryant is a true master of the craft.
Verolen is a great musician and one of our favorite piano tuners. Spending his first career in the Air Force Band Verolen developed a keen ear and a kick for fixing instruments while on the road. Always friendly and willing to share his knowledge, He is a great technician to go over the many odds and ends of a piano.
With over 30 years of experience, Graham is our go to piano tuner when we need a piano tuned fast and sweet. Growing up with parents that owned a music store, tuning pianos and taking care of instruments are something that is passed down the line in Grahams family.
Initially introduced to piano technician work while a Music Theory major at Arizona State University, Trevor discovered his passion for piano technology. Now Trevor is our go to guy for any kind of piano regulation and travels all around Colorado Springs.